Our Services
Our mission is to help you understand, articulate, and negotiate your particular challenges so that you can cope and overcome. We provide tools so that you can identify and achieve your personal goals and live congruently with your values and aspirations. These are some of the issues we can help you with:
ADD/ADHD ✧ Anxiety ✧ Bipolar Disorder ✧ Body Image ✧ Chronic Illness
Chronic Pain ✧ Depression ✧ Divorce ✧ Eating Disorders ✧ Executive Function Disorders
Family Conflict ✧ Highly Sensitive Persons ✧ Parenting ✧ Psychological Assessment
Relationship Issues ✧ School Issues ✧ Self Doubt ✧ Self Esteem ✧ Sensory Processing Issues
Sexual Abuse ✧ Spirituality/Faith Integration ✧ Stress
We work with children, teens and adults across the lifespan. We begin by making an individualized treatment plan to best serve your needs and move toward your personal goals, and aspirations. We also offer faith-informed psychotherapy and consultation, integrating your faith and values with evidence-based psychology.
Whether you are married or unmarried, your relationship is important and you care about each other. We can help you work through your most pressing issues and build a relationship that honors the connection you felt in the beginning. We can also help you identify whether its time to dig in and do the work or move forward toward new opportunities.
We integrate yoga principles into standard "talk" cognitive-behavioral therapy to draw on the strengths of each.
Forrest Yoga "teaches you to go deeper to find your truth, and encourages you to take these gifts you have earned beyond the mat and into the rest of your life."
When combined with psychotherapy, these benefits are enhanced. We also offer group therapy and workshops combining yoga and psychology. Please visit our events page to see our current group offerings.